Yew Tree Press of Stroud

New, Forthcoming and Recently Published Books


In Double Edge,
Sarah Brooker combines
rich and colourful artwork
with honest poems about
pain and difficulties
which are leavened by humour
and wry language.

Soon to be available through our Big Cartel page.

Rowan Middleton's poems
are quiet meditations
in a soft voice.
A good poem lingers in the mind
and these poems
gently invite us to spend some time
considering our local environment.

Soon to be available through our Big Cartel page.

Philip Rush's new pamphlet,
Salon des Refusés,

complements his Garlic Press book,
Camera Obscura.
With a certain ironic distance
his poems celebrate ritual,
the countryside and memory.

Soon to be available through our Big Cartel page.


The poems in Caroline Shaw's
new pamphlet capture her reading voice
in their language and rhythms
and in their humorous
and occasionally self-deprecating honesty.
They are truthful and resonant.

Soon to be available through our Big Cartel page.

Adam Horovitz' new pamphlet
includes lyric poems
in his characteristic voice
and centres on a sequence of sonnets -
a 'crown' - which addresses themes
including the elusive nature of love
and the value in striving
for the apparently impossible.

Now available through our Big Cartel page.


A "collection of deceptively powerful and quietly moving poems".
Colin Pink
[Review in 'Acumen']


"One poem – ‘Think Tank Thug’ – employs
the sort of exaggeratedly long lines and prosy style
that always make me sigh and turn to the next page.
Not here. Here, I love it. I find it so delightful and so clever
that I can’t bring myself to write about the poem
or quote an extract
– although I long to introduce you to “the strong verbs”
drinking in the pub. If you were here,
I would make you sit down and listen to me reading it aloud.
Possibly twice.

"So what is the secret?
It’s partly character.
It’s the personality of Philip Rush,
whoever and whatever he is (I don’t know him).
He’s quirky, funny, thoughtful, entertaining.
He doesn’t show off.
He shares what feels like the perfect phrase,
or word, or expression for the context,
as though he’d picked it up while walking in the woods.
The writing’s mainly rooted in the natural world
where everything is as ordinary
(and as miraculous) as a leaf, if you look at it carefully.
He does look. And the more you read him,
the more you trust him to tell you what he sees."

Helena Nelson

[The Friday Poem]

"The book concludes with a true masterpiece,
‘‘Folk Routes, New Routes’ An Ode to Davey Graham & Shirley Collins’
, a freewheeling hymn to, maybe elegy for,
the outward-facing, optimistic England of the Sixties.
Ostensibly written around the hugely influential 1964 album
recorded by Graham and Collins, with Gus Dudgeon at the mixing desk,
but which also contrives to encompass maps, cars, football,
Dr Johnson, wild flowers and the old, pre-1974 counties, including Philip’s own Middlesex.
In it, a ‘vintage old-school / road atlas [ . . .] / i
ncludes a short / and largely pointless / section of the M1, /
a stub of the M5 / leading south from Birmingham /
and the entire M50.’
(And also, no M4, on which Dudgeon and his wife Sheila died in 2002.)
It’s a poem like no other I know."

Matthew Paul

[Matthew Paul's Poetry Blog]

Now available through our Big Cartel page.

Mark Bardsley's booklet marries
finely observed poetry
with carefully expressed drawings.

Firmly set in Shropshire,
the poems flirt with the genii loci
of hill, dale and industrial heritage.

Email your order by clicking here.


Nick Naydler's booklet is a 'selected poems'
with original drawings.

The poems have a distinctive voice
and speak of loves, concerns
and our place in the world.

Now available through our Big Cartel page.

Philip Rush's new book
is published by Garlic Press.

We have some copies available for sale.

The book places poems
from the last few years
against photographs from the same period.
There is humour and there is anxiety.
Just as you'd expect.

Now available through our Big Cartel page.

Alicia Stubbersfield's new collection, Enigma Machine,
is, in Dean Parkin’s words, full of “insightful poems examine the everyday with a real relish”.

The whole book from cover to cover
is a fulfilling work of art.


Now available through our Big Cartel page.

Jennie Farley's poems
describe from an intriguing viewpoint
a version of her schooldays
which has a disturbing ring of truth.

"Great to see Jennie Farley's
sly and unsettling school poems"
- David Clarke

Email your order by clicking here.


nothing comes to mind
is a collage for three voices,
rich in lyricism and repetition,
strong and visceral.

James Dick, Jo Casling & Eley Furrell.

Email your order by clicking here.

Also available is a second book
of James Dick's lyrics
for the red propellers.

Email your order by clicking here.





Alun Hughes' poems
derive from walks in the Heavens,
a corner of Stroud which provides
a glimpse of wilderness.
He writes with thoughtful abandon.

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We welcome back to the Stroud Poets series
Diana and Caroline whose poems
though written with wit address serious issues
and concerns with honesty.
Richard Austin has been a supporter of poetry
in Stroud for many years
and it is a pleasure
to include some of his recent work here.

Email your order by clicking here.

Lyn Briggs' experience as a song-writer
brings a musical quality to her work;
Katie and Jacqui in their different ways
respond to the world around them
in unusual and engaging ways.

Email your order by clicking here.




Sarah Brooker is a textile artist
with a studio in Nailsworth.
Her pamphlet includes glimpses
of her artwork
which complement the poems.

Sarah's poems allow a mixture
of emotions — sadness and joy,
hope and dismay —
to exist side by side
without becoming destructive.

She writes with a swagger
and is a pleasure to read.

Peculiar Lonely Soaps

Fred Chance is a photographer
known to many of us in Stroud
for all sorts of adventures.

For this project he travelled to Helpston,
where John Clare was born in 1793.
The book contains photographs
he made there.

The texts accompanying them
are taken from four of Clare’s poems.
They are poems about place and identity
and they lament the loss of both.

Where Man Never Trod
& Woman Never Smiled Or Wept

Lania Knight is a poet and author
and lecturer in
Creative Writing
who has recently moved away
from Gloucestershire.

Her poems are about
people and places
and they are written in a way
which helps us to look afresh
at the people in our lives
and at the places
which are dear to us.

Single-Track B-Road


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Now available through our Big Cartel page.



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Philip has not stopped
walking around the woods
but in this pamphlet
he has wandered further afield.

Poems here find themselves
evoking the world of stone circles,
the English
landscape garden
and the hop gardens of Kent.

As a bonus, the booklet includes
a photograph of Philip's
and another of three
lurking in the shadow
of the hut
where they were living.

They Daisy Chain

Email your order by clicking here.

Jacqui's series
of skilfully linked sonnets
derive from her months
as a Dialect Writers
'Poet in Residence'
at Lake 32
in the Cotswold Water Park.

They delight in the natural world,
in nightingales and geology,
but also express concern
at the fragility
of our world
and the delicacy
of our relationship
with Nature.

Lake 32 Relay

Email your order by clicking here.










These titles
are available for order now.

Pamphlets @ £5.
(except Mark Bardsley, £6.40
and Adam Horovitz, £6.00)

Fred, Alicia:
books @ £10.

Postage (UK) included in cost.

New books and seasonal offers
are on the 'cartel' page: click here.

Other Yew Tree Press
poetry pamphlets cost £5 each
or £10 for any 3.

Payment by cheque or BACS transfer.
Email your order by clicking here.


Natasha Dahlberg lives in Brighton;
she is an actor, writer & jewellery designer
Natasha's poems are wittily autobiographical,
honest and humorous.
They have a jaunty seriousness
and their rhymes work a treat.
Sometimes they are
chatty & informal
but they are always precise & exact.
The book is beautifully presented
with illustrations by Natasha herself.

Mercury in Retrograde
is her first volume of poetry.


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Andrew's new book
of photographs
and poems
develops the theme
of 'flight',
extraordinary shots
not only of birds
& butterflies
but also of leaping fish,
frogs and squirrels,
shooting stars
and standing stones.
Andrew's poems
address the theme
by speaking directly
to the animal in question
in a way which brings
a new dimension to the photographs they accompany.

Iolo Williams said
of Andrew's previous book
Hill and Dale that it was
"full of truly stunning photographs:
I urge you to buy this book!"


Email your order by clicking here.

For some of us,
Bob Dylan's songs
have accompanied our lives
for as long as we can remember,
and their highlights
and their shadows
have echoed
good times as well as
bad times.
Mark Huband takes us
on a journey through
a life lived under the shadow
of songs from 1963
("Girl from the North Country")
to 2020
"Crossing the Rubicon").
His sonnets are rich
with imagery,
allusive and delightfully


Email your order by clicking here.


JLM Morton will read some of her recent work.
She celebrates both nature and the crisis which the natural world is facing; she finds wilderness, nonetheless, in countryside close at hand.

She has a rich control of language and register which makes her work memorable and worthy of much re-reading.

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Andrew Fusek Peters

My Shropshire Year

Landscape and Wildlife Photography

"Particularly impressi
ve ... a wonderfully curated and inspiring testament to Andrew’s creativity and sheer hard work."
— Amateur Photographer




Published October 2020 and available now.
Over 180 pages in A4 landscape format of full colour photographs
arranged as the months move through the Shropshire year;
£25 including post and packing.

Payment by cheque or BACS transfer. Email your order by clicking here.

Andrew's book is also available from Amazon.

"This is a gem of a book, packed full of truly stunning photographs,
as Andrew takes us through the changing seasons.
I urge you to buy this book;
you will not be disappointed."

— Iolo Williams







JLM Morton & Susie Hetherington

A Litany for a Hedgerow

JLM Morton and Susie Hetherington
run wild with the hedgerow,
unveiling its secrets, naming its parts
and celebrating its part in our lives.
an important and intriguing sense of place and time.

Philip Rush

There and back again

'Is it just me or
are there more ravens these days,
croaking in the trees?'

More poems born
of walking the woods
jostle with memories
of Spain.


The three poets in Stroud Poets 2.10
see the world
in rewardingly different ways.

Olivier Huband's world is exuberant,
street-wise & combative
but it is not without humour;
Belinda Rimmer looks
through the lens of a photographer
to find juxtapositions and puzzles;
Andrew Stafford walks the hills
around Stroud and beyond
to meditate on the slow experience
of landscape.



Published Spring 2021
and available for order now.

New books and seasonal offers are on the 'cartel' page: click here.

Other Yew Tree Press poetry pamphlets cost £5 each or £10 for any 3. (Including postage within UK.)
Payment by cheque or BACS transfer. Email your order by clicking here.





Philip Rush


JLM Morton

from the Cotswold Water Park

JLM Morton's pamphlet is now available directly from the author here.



Jola Malin

Mourning a suicide, finding a language for loss, and a searching for 'healing':
Jola Malin immerses us in her experience of being bereaved by suicide.

[£10, 214pp]



Published November 2020 and available for order now.
These pamphlets address each in a distinctive way
a retreat to the natural world and a return from it.

New books and seasonal offers are on the YTP 'cartel' page: click here.

Other Yew Tree Press poetry pamphlets cost £5 each or £10 for any 3. (Including postage within UK.)
Payment by cheque or BACS transfer. Email your order by clicking here.


Recent Books


Diana Humphrey


Caroline Shaw


Diana Humphrey


Jacqui Stearn



Lizzie Bestow



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